Friday, December 9, 2011

Imagine a person who doesn’t feel well. He goes to the doctor and takes an X-ray. The nurse comes out a short time later and says, I’m sorry to inform you…but you have advanced Cancer and will probably not live past 6 months. In one split second, this persons’ entire life comes crashing down around him! He exits the doctors office and sees nothing around him. He is oblivious to the traffic, pedestrians etc. He gets into his car like a complete zombie and drives home. He is thinking to himself, Ribbono Shel Olam! What do I tell my Wife? How do I break the news to her that she will soon be a widow! My beautiful children! My little baby! Hashem Yerachem! What will be with me? With my family!

He enters his home white like a sheet. His little one comes running up to him,,,Tatty’s home!!! The kids are squealing with delight and they all want to jump on him!! Tatty! Tatty!! ……………….He looks at his his precious Kinderlach, these pure neshamos,..and all he could think to himself is….these children will soon be Yesomim!!!!! He is beside himself with a grief so numbing and overwhelming, he cannot think clearly..

The phone rings….brrrriiing!.brrriiiing!!! He lifts the phone as if in a trance. Hello? he hears himself say?

Mr Stein?..this is Doctor xxxx’s office. We are calling to let you know that an unfortunate mistake was made. Err..the x-rays were mixed up. That X-ray which we thought was yours, was really someone elses’ ….You are 100% fine!! We apologize for the ‘mistake’.!!

In a moment, this Man got his life back!!! Imagine to yourself and ask yourself……CAN THERE BE A MORE DELICIOUS MOMENT IN LIFE THAN THIS!!

Baruch Hashem, we are all alive. Hashem gives us life so that we may appreciate it and utilize it properly. We must live life to its fullest! We must thank Hashem for every breath we take and never stop praising him for the abundance of blessings which he showers upon us.

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